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Collect feedback with Customer Satisfaction, Net Promoter Score or Customer Effort Score surveys in your shared inboxes' signatures, email templates and automation rules.
Watch the overview demonstration (2:35)

Track the quality of your customer service with Nicereply – an all-in-one customer satisfaction survey tool (CSAT). Measure customer satisfaction via a survey at the bottom of every email or trigger it after resolving a conversation. Choose from measuring Customer Satisfaction, Net Promoter Score, or Customer Effort Score surveys. Customize the look and feel of your surveys. Change the color scheme, add a logo, ask additional questions. Choose a rating scale that suits you - stars, smiley faces, thumbs - you decide. Create an unlimited number of surveys.

About the integration

Add CSAT, CES and NPS surveys to your Gmail signatures

The simplest integration is the addition of Nicereply survey code to your agent's Gmail signatures or shared inbox's email signature (i.e., signature associated with the email support@).

Add CSAT, CES and NPS surveys to your email templates

Insert Nicereply survey code into your Gmelius email template. In this case a customer will be able to rate your agents after each interaction once the email template is inserted within the reply of your agents.

Add CSAT, CES and NPS surveys to your Gmelius rules

Automatically send a CSAT email survey when a conversations is resolved or closed.

Screenshots of the integration

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